Patrick Lencioni: Getting Naked: A Business Fable About Shedding The Three Fears That Sabotage Client Loyalty (J-B Lencioni Series)
If you've ever wondered what our client interaction and consulting approach looks like, or if you want to learn how to better advise your leaders, you need to get naked. (Just remove the book jacket or you'll draw too much attention to I did at the pool this summer) (*****)
Thomas Cathcart: Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . .: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
This is one funny book. For me, it's a two plane trip book. 4 flights and I'm done. Two Philosophers look at exactly what makes a joke funny. Really. It's good. (*****)
Dave Ferguson: The Big Idea: Focus the MessageMultiply the Impact (Leadership Network Innovation Series, The)
This is a ministry must. Whether you apply this B=Basic, I=Integrated or G=Global...your church will move people from Understanding to Obedience. (*****)
Marcus Buckingham: Now, Discover Your Strengths
I'd give this one six stars if I could! This book revolutionized my thinking of how I build our team! A great read for communication teams. (*****)
God: Holy Bible
Great stories! Adventures! Life changing! A must read!!! (*****)
Tom Monahan: The Do It Yourself Lobotomy: Open Your Mind to Greater Creative Thinking
Monahan may believe that he invented creativity (he's pretty proud of himself) but the techniques are great. Love 180 degree thinking. (****)
Brian Bailey: The Blogging Church
This one is opening my eyes up in a big way. A year ago I advised our clients against blogging - now I see it as an incredible opportunity. This book opens up the possibilities and helps you know how to get it done. (*****)
Kevin Graham Ford: Transforming Church: Bringing Out the Good to Get to Great
Kevin's got great insight from all the research they've done at his company (TAG). Excellent look at five key indicators of health in congregations. (****)
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