Today, October 6, I'm held up in a 20 foot shipping container with three friends from church and together we're raising money and awareness for FAME to support their work in medical evangelism around the world!
Projects include:
- Renovations to an out-patient clinic in Haiti $23,500
- Ambulance for mission in India $15,000
- Medical supplies for mission in Honduras $5,000
- Scholarships for healthcare workers in Ghana $2,500
Our hope is to reach our goal and sleep in our own beds. Will you please donate to this incredible work? FAME meets the physical and spiritual people by bringing the love of Christ through medical care to areas that are really hurting.
Donate now at - select Oct 6 Evan McBroom under team captain. Select any project country.
Here's some Facebook links to learn more:
See me in The Crate:
Learn more about FAME:
DONATE NOW: $10, $25, $50...any amount at Please select Team Captain Evan McBroom - and any project you like. GIVE TODAY!
Special thanks to my friends Kelly Ulm, Jennifer Denniston and Randy Cox for being part of The Crate. Also - thanks to Randy's company Compendium for their matching gift project.
The world needs more folks like you all!!
Posted by: Church Finance | February 05, 2011 at 10:43 AM