Recently, we were asked by a church client to help them with some delicate communication planning. They are working through a major staff reorganization. For a number of reasons, at this point the staff knows the details of each of their own situations and they have a clear picture of the new staff structure, but all of the changes will not be public for a period of time. Knowing the dynamics of any workplace (and especially a church), church leaders and staff are anticipating that they will get questions from people in the congregation. The reality is, questions are coming and rumors are already afoot. As these questions come, Church leaders and staff are asking a big question of their own:
"If we can't talk openly for a while, what can we say about the staff changes when people ask?"
Everyone involved wants to maintain truthful communication, but leaders are stressing to the staff that there are important reasons why the full picture of changes should not be made known right away.
Here is Fishhook's recommended outline/talking points for communication for every staff member and elder as they respond to questions from the congregation:
1. Acknowledge and Affirm
- As a member of the church staff/elder, I'm aware of some upcoming staff changes as our church leaders work to make us the best church we can be.
- I appreciate your interest/concern/question. And here's what I can share with you at this time.
2. Convey Trust
- First, let me say that I trust God is sovereign – and I trust He's in control.
- Second, I trust our church leaders – and I trust they are praying through the changes and they are seeking God's will for our church.
- Third, I trust that I can ask you to be patient until more information can be shared because these changes involve real people, real families and real work and ministry assignments.
- You may hear accurate information and inaccurate information circulating in the weeks to come. Please be patient until you hear more information directly from our church leaders. Soon, more details about our vision and future plans will be shared with the entire congregation.
- Staff: you can share broad personal feelings: I'm excited, It's hard, I'm praying, etc.
- Staff: If you sense someone needs/wants to know or discuss more, suggest they contact (specific church leaders by name).