1. JD made a campfire out of two pieces of firewood and an accordion of Post-it notes
2. The mailman delivered two packages during our meeting and said, "Did somebody order dinosaur bones?" Each package contained two Vuvuzela Horns tightly wrapped end-to-end and they were addressed to our Brazilian friend Anderson who sublets space from Fishhook and is a huge soccer fan.
3. Leah ordered a #6 Unwich from Jimmy Johns.
4. We discovered that Fishhook only spends 6% of our total budget on office space, utilities and office related expenses.
5. We used 60 Post-it notes in our "What do we do" exercise. (We're not that scattered - the 60 boiled down into 3 1/2 categories. (trying to figure out if the 1/2 becomes a whole or is absorbed into one of the other 3)
6. So far this year we have worked with 66 different churches (Evan guessed the number would be 47.)
I hoped you'd see that. It was not an intentional product placement, but the Kingsway brand is so apart of Indy...it simply made it in w/o trying.
Posted by: evan mcbroom | August 19, 2010 at 03:22 PM
Hey, thanks for sneaking in a Kingsway logo/coffee cup! We're glad we could be at least represented at such a high-caliber meeting!
Posted by: Kevin Carr | August 19, 2010 at 12:21 PM