I had five meetings today. All important. Four for work and one was "meet the teacher night" at my daughter's high school. (very important!)
In all of my work meetings - I found it exceptionally refreshing to find that I was working with and serving people and notprojects. Its easy in our work as church communicators to get wrapped up in working on projects (with deadlines and deliverables) and to miss the rich relational stuff of working with people (with stories and dreams).
One of my meetings was with a missions agency we hope to work with - and I asked them what they wanted out of a partner on this project. After they finished telling me their answer they asked me a question - "What did we (as Fishhook) want out of the partnership." I said, "transparency and relationship - that we can accomplish more if we're open and real." (I'm sure it was not that succinct, but that was the gist.) I realized throughout the day, as I reflected on my other meetings, that in every case I was working with people who I consider to be friends - real people who let down their guard and worked together closely and openly to do this work God has called us to.
How about you? Are you focused on projects or people? I vote for people!