Looking back: Seven years ago this month I quit my comfortable agency job in search of where God was leading me. It was financially comfortable, but I had grown exceedingly restless, sensing that God was moving me out and moving me on. It was January 2003. A full-on search began, and by April I had discovered Fishhook. With no funding and no business plan I printed cards at home on card stock and hand-cut them on a paper cutter. Swiftly God began opening doors and the work came. Looking back it just blows me away that now, seven years later, Fishhook has grown to 9 people and God has provided steady work and steady growth. We've bobbled some passes. We've worked through hard stuff. I can look back and see about 5 or 6 specific phases of Fishhook - key points of change, struggles and improvements.
Celebrate: Today, I as have a little time to pause and reflect, I'm celebrating that in the last three weeks, we've helped church leaders launch 2 new brand identities and 3 new Web sites.
Identity and site: www.wheatlandsalem.org
Identity and site: www.golove.org
Site: www.kingswaychurch.org (we developed the identity a few years ago)
This work demonstrates the power of collaboration when our Fishhook team works closely with church staff, pastors and volunteers. This work reflects, for me, the faithfulness of God as the one who is bringing His calling on my life to fruition.
Looking Ahead: Next week, we will have a team retreat and we will spend some time considering what may be ahead...what does the next version of Fishhook look like. What might God have in store? I can't wait to explore this with the our team.
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