My dad died a year ago this weekend. He was an agnostic. I was once too. I became a believer. My friend Aaron recently did something nutty. He joined a bunch of Atheists and Agnostics on a group tour of the Creation Museum. Here is, perhaps, the best blog post I've ever seen. And, to honor my Dad, I invite you to step into a conversation I wish he and I could have had but we avoided the discussion.
Enjoy this fascinating experience.
Marla - thanks for the comments. Regarding Pastor Aaron's blog...these posts are from a couple years ago, so his blog may have changed. Also, I'm not maintaining this site any more. As you can see at the I now blog actively at
Posted by: Evan McBroom | April 28, 2011 at 05:12 PM
The link to Pastor Aaron's blog is broken.
Posted by: Marla Beard from CrossRoadsINDY | April 28, 2011 at 04:56 PM
Hi, Evan! I was at the No Doubt apologetics conference this weekend and the speaker from Answers in Genesis/ Creation Museum made a quick mention to a group of atheists coming for a visit. He just said it was a very interesting day...
I'm enjoying your blogs; have a great week!
Andrea Emerson
Posted by: Andrea Emerson | August 18, 2009 at 05:49 PM