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    « Incredible discovery at page 9 | Main | My blog needs a swift kick in the... »

    June 15, 2009


    Evan McBroom

    Lynnette & Tim - I see a common theme. Hmmmm...

    Lynette Huth

    Well, I will be checking this blog every day in case someone has an answer to the million dollar question! Until then, I am learning to spend more time with friends and family. Not as easy as it might sound for some of us!

    Tim Cool

    Since my change in my career, I am finding that the best way to keep up is to not try. If you have to work that hard to keep up...then you've got too much stuff going on...back it down...CHOOSE TO CHEAT...One of the best little books that sticks with me is by Andy Stanley by the same name as above. With every decision that we make, we are choosing to cheat another. My taste buds say get that piece of waste line says which one do I choose to cheat...

    Just a thought

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