Yes! You read the headline correctly! I just walked 75 miles (over the last 31 days) and I feel great! My exercise program for 2007 (and 2006, and 2005...) pretty much consisted movement of any kind. So, I woke up January 1, 2008 and felt compelled to go for a walk. Since then, I've
- walked between 2.25 and 3.5 miles each day
- walked outdoors between 5am and 6am (most days)
- experienced temps as high as 63 and as low as -2 - and have felt wind chills as low as -10
- been under crystal clear skies, made first tracks in snow and walked in the rain
- dialed in the right clothing for various conditions
- seen a small owl fall out of a snow covered pine tree and land within 4 feet of me - we stared at each other for about 30 seconds and I told it to fly away...and it did
- saw a shooting star
- developed a "waving" relationship with the two newspaper delivery guys
But the best thing, even better than losing six pounds and gaining the additional encouragement of my wife, is that I am more mentally and physically alert than I have been in over a year - and this has translated into renewed creativity, energy and enthusiasm for everything! And this has led to a renewed discipline for morning quiet time. While falling asleep last night, I said to my wife, "maybe I'll just keep walking every day of my life...I'd live longer." I think I'd also live better! I come!
You've turned into Forest Gump! Way to go, my friend!
Posted by: Leah Norton | February 05, 2008 at 03:24 PM