Yesterday, I thought out loud a little bit about vision. Church vision. As in, "What is the vision of your church?" I'm suggesting that vision is a place, not a thing. As church leaders consider communicating their vision to their congregation, I think we need to communicate that vision is the place that God is leading, not a thing to be described or grasped. Vision is a destination or at least (as my friend Cameron suggested) it's a direction. Interesting thoughts. Consider what Ron Hutchraft said on the radio today. Listen or read Going Where God's Going - #5452
Dude, way to bring up Ron Hutchcraft. That guy is a student ministry stud. Vision should be considered a place. It's a destination. Hmm...destiny, destination...whooda thunk it? How does 'without vision the people will perish' relate to vision as a place?
Posted by: Michael Trent | December 06, 2007 at 11:22 AM